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Jamii Investments

A wise person leaves an inheritance to his children and his children’s children... Proverbs 13:22

Get your free "No Hassle Real Estate Investing" ebook now!

Real Estate is an Amazing Investment! Jamii Investments Buys Single Family Houses and Cash Flowing Apartments Across America.

Download the Jamii Investments- "No Hassle Real Estate Investing" eBook

What do A-Rod, Keyshawn Johnson, David Robinson, Shaquille O’Neal, Emmit Smith, Joe Montana, Magic Johnson, and Deion Sanders all have in common? 

They all diversify their investment mix, by adding real estate. Real estate is a great investment for many reasons. We are third generation real estate investors. We started by purchasing a portfolio of 70 single family homes- with only family money.  Since that date back in 2003, we've bought and sold over 400 properties (single family homes, lots, and apartment buildings). Investors can receive an excellent rate of return, amazing tax advantages and leverage real estate to build your wealth.

Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference!

We didn't come from money, but our children will....Jim and Teresa

Historically there have been three primary ways to create WEALTH: Own a Business, The Financial Markets, and owning Real Estate!  At Jamii Investments we do all three! Business ownership and the markets are with our own funds.  Real Estate- we partner with like minded individuals to purchase cash flowing assets!

But it's about even more...

Jamii is a word that means Family and Community.  We are A 3rd Generation Family Business managing investments for Our Growth and His Glory! Our focus involves taking a responsible approach to making money and making a difference- in this life and beyond! 

Why work with us?

Our Experience

As a seasoned real estate investor, my team and I have thousands of hours mastering apartment investing. We train our team to pay attention to the little things at the property level that makes the most impact.

Our Systems

We acquire multifamily assets in prime locations by extensively underwriting 95% of all assets in the markets we follow. This gives us great deal flow, allowing us to go after deals that meet our criteria. Using conservative underwriting and appreciation assumptions, we expect these opportunities to increase in the coming years.

Our Process

Our strategy is to patiently acquire, manage and operate multi-family assets which generate high yields and passive cash flows. We selectively position ourselves to take advantage of opportunities on the horizon. In addition, we only target strong employment centers with growth and stability trends.

Our approach

Apartment Acquisitions Criteria

CAP Rate:

  • Min. 7% (based on current financials)

Target Return & Investment Period:

  • 6%- 8% annual cash on cash return (based on current financials)

  • 10%-14% total annual return over investment period

  • 5-7 year hold period (medium to long- term)

General Criteria:

  • Potential high yield income streams.

  • 20% below replacement cost.

  • Cash equity-“All cash” or “Cash to existing debt”.

  • Value-add opportunities sought.

Property Criteria:

  • Utilities: Individual metered units preferred.

  • Roofs: Pitched roof construction preferred, but not required.

  • Premier Properties: Stabilized properties with minimal deferred maintenance preferred, but will consider others if well located and possessing a strong, value-add opportunity.

Transaction Size:

  • Minimum 25+ Units

Asset Type:

  • B+ to C+ class multi-family properties; We search for B+ class in A market and C+ class in B market opportunities. We review distressed A class deals in certain markets.


  • Prefer stabilized properties. Will consider none stabilized in "right" locations with value-add upside.


  • Preference is 1980 and newer, but will consider all age properties.

Target Markets:

  • Worldwide growth markets.


  • B+ to C+ trade areas with strong demographics and economic diversity.

The Jamii Process

We trust the process! 


Jamii Acquisition Filter

Finding property to purchase is not that hard.  Finding GREAT deals that meet our criteria is hard. Early on in our history we would spend upwards of $20,000 a month on direct mail, billboards, Radio and TV ads- all in an effort to sift through deals sorting Trash from Treasure. Our proprietary data analysis and software allow us to thoroughly analyze hundreds of deals in our targeted markets with only 2% – 3% qualifying for further review. This strict filtering process ensures selecting assets that meet our conservative underwriting and focus on cash flow for investors.


Jamii Due Diligence Audit

When on the ground, our team of experts inspect and analyze the physical condition of the property, the neighborhood, the tenant mix, as well as the financial history to mitigate potential risks and uncover opportunities. Only qualified deals move forward.


Jamii Management Advantage

Our systematic team approach to Property Management along with our unique experience in property management and people management elevates our communities to the highest standards. This ensures predictable investor cash flow and appreciation.


Jamii Investor Return Maximizer

At Jamii, -if you'll allow me to borrow an expression- "We treat you like you'd treat you".  Our entire family is involved in each and every transaction.  As a result both Investors and Principals want the same thing.  We are careful about purchases, expenses, and management- all in an effort to maximize returns, because we are as vested in each property as our financial partners are invested!  

Our process

Our investment strategy

We are third generation investors following a time tested and updated strategy for SUCCESS!

How we do it!

At the core of our business model, our primary focus is to identify potential cash flowing single family and multi-family assets with all the right fixable problems.  


  • To preserve, protect, and return to the Investors their capital contributions

  • To achieve a rate of return in excess of typical alternative investment returns

  • To provide an inflationary hedge through appreciation in the value of the property

  • To provide cash for distribution to our investors

  • To provide investment secured by real assets for our investors

  • To realize growth in the value of our properties upon sale or refinance

  • To achieve an annualized, before-tax preferred rate of return of 7% to investors with upside potential for larger returns over the life of the investment

  • To allow investors an opportunity to acquire an interest in large, high quality multifamily assets that provide quarterly cash distributions and investment growth through appreciation, expense management, and loan principal pay-down

  • To provide investment diversity by investing in multiple properties and markets

Our talented team

For us, it's not just business, it's personal! 

Our vision is to inspire and impact the world, one person at a time, one family at a time, and one community at a time! We fulfill this vision by investing in people and in property.​

“Jamii”  (pronounced Jah-mee) is a Swahili word meaning both “family” and “community”. First and foremost, we are a family business. We started Jamii Real Estate Investment Company with a personal investment of $250,000. Every member of the Adams family (6) is involved in this Enterprise in some capacity.


In addition, we are building an “extended family”, a community of like-minded Investors with a passion for building and leaving a multi-generational legacy of wealth!


Jim spent 15 years as VP of Sales and Marketing for a Fortune 300 Company. As a managing member of Jamii Investments, Jim’s goal is to provide his family and community of investors with a stable cash flow, a competitive return on investment, and long-term capital appreciation. Jim has acquired, flipped, and renovated over 400 properties, and has personally owned over 100 income properties. He built the largest Privately Owned Residential Real Estate Firm in the Southeast with a staff of 20 employees, started the Mississippi Real Estate Investors Association, and has raised Millions to fund real estate transactions. 


Jim Adams III

Jim spent 15 years as VP of Sales and Marketing for a Fortune 300 Company. As a managing member of Jamii Investments, Jim’s goal is to provide his family and community of investors with a stable cash flow, a competitive return on investment, and long-term capital appreciation. Jim has acquired, flipped, and renovated over 400 properties, and has personally owned over 100 income properties. He built the largest Privately Owned Residential Real Estate Firm in the Southeast with a staff of 20 employees, started the Mississippi Real Estate Investors Association, and has raised Millions to fund real estate transactions. Jim works out of Jackson, MS and Indianapolis.


Madison Adams

Oldest of “Those Property Twins” by 9 minutes, Madison has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and Entrepreneurship and a MBA with an Accounting Minor. Starting while in high school, working our door-knocking program for single-family homes, Madison now serves as the Chief Finance Officer and Chief Administrator. In addition, she is the Primary Property Acquisition Evaluator, managing our Deal Sourcing program and serves as Asset Manager. Madison works out of Nashville and is a licensed realtor.

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Jim Adams IV

Dubbed Mr. Personality, Jim IV, entered the world 9 minutes after his older sister. He attended Valley Forge Military Academy and was the first of the “siblings” to develop a love and a passion for real estate. Starting as the lawn maintenance contractor for rental properties, Jim IV soon moved to property evaluator and renovations estimator. He started in this business while in high school and has learned the business from the ground up. Currently, Jimmie is the Chief Negotiator for Jamii, and the first voice prospective sellers hear. A Master negotiator and relationship builder currently managing our professional athlethes program. Jim works out of Nashville and Orlando.

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Teresa Adams

As the Adams' family matriarch, Teresa spent her early years as a stay-at-home Mom raising four children and as part-time co-founder of several family businesses. Teresa holds a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is a National Certified Counselor, and a Licensed Professional Counselor. Teresa serves in a variety of roles, including investor relations and renovations assessment. Teresa likes to say- She didn't come from money but her children will. Teresa works out of Jackson, MS and Indianapolis.


Jeremy Adams

After sifting through over 50 college scholarship offers to play basketball, Jeremy attended Texas A&M, before transferring to the University of Colorado-Boulder. While at CU, he helped lead the Buffaloes to their first ever Pac-12 Championship. Jeremy graduated with a B.S. in Psychology, received a Master’s in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Grand Canyon University and a Doctorate in Performance Psychology. Jeremy’s primary roles are networking and relationship building. Jeremy works out of Denver, CO and Calabasas, CA.

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Elizabeth Mariyo

Youngest of the four children, Elizabeth received her undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and her Master’s from the Geneva School of Diplomacy in Geneva, Switzerland. Elizabeth is a polygot; she speaks Spanish, French and is learning Portuguese. She worked for the United Nations as a Digital Marketing Consultant and is a social media influencer with over 300,000 followers across platforms. At Jamii, Elizabeth is responsible for all social media, web design, web management, and digital marketing. Elizabeth works out of Chicago.

Some facts about us


properties bought and sold 


family investment to launch company in 2002

homes purchased in one transaction


hour Adams' family dinners



Frequently asked questions

The Answers You Need

What kind of properties do you invest in?

We invest in SFH's and multi-family apartment buildings, one of the most recession proof segments of the Real Estate Market, particularly with the United States population continuing to grow. Even with the continued advancements in online marketing (particularly Amazon) and “work from home” which threatens the retail and office markets, people will always need to live somewhere. Within this segment, we focus on B+ to C+ class multi-family properties and prefer B class in A markets and C+ class in B markets. We believe this positions us in the segment of the market that is shielded most from the ups and downs in the economic cycles. We will also review distressed A class deals in certain markets. 

How much money do I need to get started? 

Our minimum Investment requirements are deal specific but most opportunities offer the opportunity to get started for as little 50k to 100K..

Can I invest through my retirement plan?

Yes, investing in Real Estate via a structure like ours is perfect for retirement plan investing because your involvement is by definition passive. All you need to do, if you haven’t already, is set up a SELF-DIRECTED IRA with an independent custodian, like or (these suggestions are not endorsements- please do your own due dilligence when choosing a Custodian)and once that is done you can invest using your IRA/401K/ROTH-IRA or several other self-directed retirement account forms. If you have questions about how to do that, please contact us through the Contact Us form or call us at (601)-624-6167).

How does Jamii Investments find Opportunities?

We have relationships with commercial real estate and mortgage brokers, who bring us deals often before they go on the open market. We also engage in direct marketing campaigns seeking property owners who are motivated to sell.  In addition we are building relationships with banks to get access to their REO inventory. Once presented with an opportunity our team then underwrites ever single property to the highest standards and eliminates those that do not qualify at our rigorous standards. 

What will my return on investment be?

All our investment returns are  based on individual properties, and every property is different and will therefore offer different returns.  Our returns consist of three parts: Preferred Return from Cash Flow: Each investment is selected such that it pays an min. average annual preferred return of at least 8% (depending on the individual property deal this could be higher than that) which is paid out quarterly via direct deposit into your bank account or by check. In other words, the investors get paid first before the sponsors get paid anything. This protects you as an investor and makes sure we only pick projects that have strong cash flow outlooks. Profit Share: Upon a Sale or Refinancing of the property it is our goal to return 100% of the initial invested amount to each investor, and then do a 50/50 profit split between sponsors and investors.

What will my return on investment be?

How are the deals structured?

Great news. You will be limitied liability owner of the property which comes with all the benefits like depreciation and cash flow, meaning the property is owned by a “Property LLC” for which that property is the only asset (reduces liability). You in turn will be a direct shareholder in this Property LLC so in essence you are part owner of the company that owns the property. This allows for a direct flow-through of cash flow, depreciation, and allows you upon sale of the asset to realize long term capital gains … PLUS, you literally get to tell your friends you “own” an apartment complex, because you do.

"Enjoy passive real estate income without the hassle of management."

This is not an offer to sell securities. Any person, entity, or organization must first be qualified by the company and read all of the offering documents and attest to reading and fully understanding such documents.  Jamii Investments and its affiliates are not licensed securities dealers or brokers and as such, do not hold themselves to be. This website should be construed as informational and not as an advertisement soliciting for any particular purpose. All securities herein discussed have not been registered or approved by any securities regulatory agency in accordance with the securities act of 1933 or any state securities laws.

Jamii Investments

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